Compare Trackingplan vs. ObservePoint

Considering alternatives to ObservePoint? See what’s the difference between Trackingplan and ObservePoint to compare and choose the right solution for your needs.

Know which solution fits your needs best


ObservePoint allows for precise monitoring of defined user journeys without needing web traffic. It also allows auditing the proper functioning of cookies and their user privacy restrictions.


Trackingplan automatically monitors all the data you send to your marketing, analytics, and product integrations to detect changes and errors without any configuration needed. It also allows you to understand how data collection is performing across different marketing tools thanks to its real-time data exploration features.


Find Your Perfect Tool Match

Initial setup
website audit
Collect tagging errors at defined journeys
Automatically collect tagging errors at URLs
Notify audit results
APPs Audit
Collect tagging errors at defined journeys
Automatically collect tagging errors at URLs
Monitoring & Discovery
Discovery of your actual analytics schema
Automated monitoring of web/app traffic
Product data monitoring
Data Behavior
Explore data in real time
Explore any user session
Explore marketing pixel data
Data Privacy
Cookie consent banner presence
Cookie audit
Privacy policy detection
New technologies detection
Compliance with privacy laws (GDPR, CCPA...)
Sharing options
Annotation of data-related procedures
Performance monitoring
Website time response and 404s
Data issue management
Root Cause Analysis
Session tracker and debugger
Issue lifecycle management
Chrome extension
Integration at CI/CD flows
Track frontend releases
Track tag manager releases
Manual (definition of paths)
Manual update of paths and tags
By email, chat, SMS or API
At local/development environment
Number of users
Total credit limit
Individual user analytics
Behaviour analytics
Daily reports
Weekly reports
Monthly reports
Custom reports
website audit
Initial setup
website audit
Collect tagging errors at defined journeys
Automatically collect tagging errors at all URLs
Notify audit results
APPs Audit
Collect tagging errors at defined journeys
Automatically collect tagging errors at all URLs
Monitoring & Discovery
Discovery of your actual analytics schema (tracking plan)
Automated monitoring of web and app traffic
Product data monitoring
Data Behavior
Explore data in real time
Explore any user session
Explore marketing pixel data
Data Privacy
Cookie consent banner presence
Cookie audit
Privacy policy detection
New technologies detection
Compliance with privacy laws (GDPR, CCPA...)
Performance monitoring
Sharing options
Annotation of data-related procedures and decisions
Performance monitoring
Website time response and 404s
Data issue management
Root Cause Analysis
Session tracker and debugger
Issue lifecycle management
Chrome extension
Integration at CI/CD Flows
Track frontend releases
Track tag manager releases
Number of users
Total credit limit
Individual user analytics
Behaviour analytics
Daily reports
Weekly reports
Monthly reports
Custom reports
Initial setup
Manual (definition of paths)
Manual update of paths and tags
website audit
Collect tagging errors at defined journeys
Automatically collect tagging errors at all URLs
Notify audit results
By email, chat, SMS or API
Initial setup
Automatic (3 to 7 days auto-learning process)
Auto-detection and monitoring of new elements 
website audit
Collect tagging errors at defined journeys
Automatically collect tagging errors at all URLs
Notify audit results
By email, chat, or API

Web and App governance made easy

Automate error detection and root cause analysis in every environment without the manual hassle.

Plug & Play Installation

Installing Trackingplan is as simple as copying and pasting a code snippet.

Automated Discovery

Trackingplan will discover and monitor all the data your apps and websites send to your third-party integrations, whether they’re analytics, marketing automation, pixels, or campaigns, right after its installation.

Automated Discovery

Trackingplan will discover and monitor all the data your apps and websites send to your third-party integrations, whether they’re analytics, marketing automation, pixels, or campaigns, right after its installation.

Automated Alert System

Have your implementations automatically audited around the clock with real-time data, knowing you'll will be instantly notified about any error or change happening in your digital analytics.

Excellent Data Quality Tool

Once the audit is complete it truly is a breeze to keep an eye on things as soon as they break.

Trackingplan vs. our Competitors

Getting started is simple

Try Trackingplan today for free and sit back while we automatically create your dashboard.